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Voter Resources: Elections 2024: Vote 2024!

Important Dates

Important dates


Request Ballot (received by)                                   By 5 PM on October 29

Return Ballot by mail (received by)                          By 7:30 PM on November 5

Return Ballot in person                                             By 7:30 PM on November 5


By mail (postmarked by)                                          October 11

In person during early voting                                    October 17--November 2

Online                                                                       October 11


EARLY VOTING IN FRANKLIN COUNTY, NC       Monday--Friday, Oct 17--Nov 1 (8:00 AM--7:30 PM)

                                                                               Saturdays--Oct 13, Oct 26 & Nov 2 (8 AM--3 PM)

                                                                                Sunday, October 27 (1:00-5:00 PM)


ELECTION DAY VOTING HOURS IN NC              Tuesday, November 5 (6:30 AM-7:30 PM)


This page is intended to be a non-partisan resource for information helpful to the voting public.  The librarians of Springy Library maintain it.  Any links to candidate or political party websites are for informational purposes only and in no manner constitute any endorsements.